Europe for Citizens
How Cities can Increase the Availability of Mobile Networks “How Cities can Increase the Availability of Mobile Networks and Power Infrastructure” – conference in […]
Suntem un ONG al cărui scop principal este de a crea o societate și o lume mai bună: din punct de vedere economic, social, ecologic, politic și moral.
Echipa A.B.D are o experienta vastă in servicii de consultanță pentru ONG-uri.
Descoperă mai multA.B.D este o organizație de caritate de renume national, care este cel mai bine cunoscută pentru serviciile sale de cea mai bună calitate.
Descoperă mai multA.B.D. a schimbat viata oamenilor, în ultimii ani, prin operațiunile sale de ajutorare desfasurate la nivel național.
Descoperă mai multCitește despre ultimele acțiuni realizate de către Asociația Building Dreams
How Cities can Increase the Availability of Mobile Networks “How Cities can Increase the Availability of Mobile Networks and Power Infrastructure” – conference in […]
Professor Victor Nicolăescu, PhD, has approached in his lecture some crucial elements in the process of understanding the migration phenomenon. From the decreasing population of […]
Ioana Gligor-Bekesi, President of Building Dreams, was invited to World Democracy Forum, that took place in Strasbourg. The 2016 World Forum for Democracy focused on […]
We have used Building Dreams Association for recruiting temps for a number of years and have found their service to be indispensable. We work mainly with Dev and she is professional, friendly and
Anna is a complete superstar, we would turn to her for all of our fundraising appointments. Utterly professional and always a delight to work with.
Building Dreams Association has been an incredible resource for my non-profit, Groaction. If you have the chance to work with Building Dreams Association, absolutely take it, they are incredibly p